How the right kitchen appliance can make your life easier - Adelaide Appliance Gallery

How the right kitchen appliance can make your life easier

Finding The Right Kitchen Appliance

Nowadays it’s nearly impossible to turn on your TV without stumbling over a cooking channel or show. While most of us will never reach the potential of stars like Gordon Ramsey or George Calombaris, we can always try our best and make use of kitchen appliances that will get us closer to the task.

Whether you love cooking or not, the task of preparing ingredients can, at times, be daunting. Finding the right kitchen appliance can not only make your life easier but also give the job a more pleasurable element. Whether we’re talking about meat, fish, vegetables or fruit, here is how innovative appliances can put a smile on your face.

Helping with multitasking

The ability to multitask is, at least for women, an expectation rather than a skill. While it’s not uncommon to see Mums develop octopus-like arms and handle five things at once, in the kitchen the situation is a bit different. Between the sharp knives, the beeping, the pile of washing up, and other stimuli around, it can be hard to do everything efficiently without the adequate equipment.


Minimize injuries

Burns, cuts, and bruises are common occurrences, which can happen to even the most skilled chefs. While you can beat yourself up for not paying attention, the equipment you use might also play a role in it. A knife which is not sharp enough or big enough can easily slip or break during the cutting process –resulting in some blood works that nobody wants to see. Oven technology has come a long way and not only just in the sense of cooking. Many oven designs are now built with safety in mind. Heat indicators, safety barriers, automatic switch offs and heatproof doors are just a few of the features that can keep you out of the emergency room and in the kitchen. We have a huge range of working ovens on display here at Adelaide Appliance Gallery.


Cut down time

The right kitchen appliance can help you shorten the time spent in the kitchen, meaning that you can eat and clean up faster than you usually would. This will give you plenty of time to enjoy the rest of your evening curled up next to your loved one –rather than huffing and puffing outside the kitchen door. A great example of this is using a steam oven rather than a conventional stovetop or oven. A steam oven can perform a variety of tasks such as making risotto – yes risotto in the oven! You can put your one-pan-wonder in the steam oven and walk away, instead of standing by your stove and constantly stirring. We have monthly cooking demonstrations in our Adelaide Appliance Gallery showroom so you can experience all the features for yourself.


Reduce washing up

Many people think of the right kitchen appliance only concerning its performance, but versatility is also a determinant factor. Nowadays you can easily find machines, which have many different capabilities (i.e., chop, cut, grind, and other things), all at the same time. There is nothing better than using, for example, an efficient food processor instead of a masher, mixing bowl, mixing spoon, cutting board, and many others. Even more, time is saved if you have a well-functioning dishwasher, like the ones we have on display here at Adelaide Appliance Gallery.


Create an atmosphere

Top notch high-tech appliances come with remote application abilities, meaning that you can control their function from your phone, merely by using a decent Wi-Fi connection. From turning on the oven while you’re making your grocery run to remote controlling its self-cleaning application, you can now rejoice in the power of multitasking!


Learn something new

Sometimes, labels fail you, and you might not know how long it will take to defreeze some chicken breasts or those vegetable burgers. Or maybe you’re not that experienced in the kitchen and run the risk of burning it down when you don’t have instructions.

If that’s you, it’s time to learn something new, as some microwaves nowadays can actually scan food barcodes and will automatically set the cooking time and style –you won’t need to lift a finger! We are constantly getting new types of technology in our showroom and we pride ourselves on knowing the ins and outs of every appliance on display. Come and visit our Adelaide Appliance Gallery showroom to see what new and fancy appliances we have to show you.


Easy cleaning

Cleaning is the worst, and we can bet that you’d like to minimise that as much as possible. Well, you will now find that many appliances either clean themselves or make it super easy to clean them after they have been used. Nanotechnology has come a long way since the humble Teflon!

Efficiency, either in the kitchen or any other area of your life, is the driving force behind new and innovative appliances. That’s something that we appreciate here at Adelaide Appliance Gallery, and we have a wide range of brand-name appliances on which you can get some substantial savings. Pop into the store, and we can further guide you towards an easier and more convenient kitchen life!

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