Signs You Need a New Washing Machine - Adelaide Appliance Gallery

Signs You Need a New Washing Machine

Today, people cannot imagine their lives without washing machines. You will not notice how much laundry you wash weekly until your Adelaide washing machine stops working. To avoid overflowing laundry baskets, you need to know when to replace your old Adelaide washing machine. 

At times, a simple repair can fix washing machines and make them as good as new. Other times, the repairs will get too costly and frequent. This is when getting a new washing machine will be the more efficient and practical solution. 

Here are a few signs to help you spot when it is time to look for new washing machines:

Leaking Water


It is one of the most apparent signs of washing machine issues. This can be the result of overflowing or a loose connection. That is why you need to investigate your old Adelaide washing machine further, before looking for a replacement. In some cases, buying new washing machines will be a lot easier and cheaper. 

Even without water leaks, new washing machines will reduce your Adelaide household water consumption. 

The technological advancements in washing machines made them work more efficiently. That is how a new washing machine will save you money on your Adelaide water bills. 


Excessive Noise


Your old Adelaide washing machine probably works louder than newer models in the market today. However, if the noises of the washing machine are getting louder, it could be a sign of a severe problem. To determine the cause of these noises, you need to research more. 

Unusual loud noises of washing machines can indicate a problem in the motor or drum. The repairs of these washing machine parts can get costly. 

Get to know the prices of new washing machines in the Adelaide market. In many cases, buying new washing machines can be a more cost-efficient solution. Therefore, you need to assess your options. 


Drum Problems


The drum is the heart of washing machines. That is why any problems with the drum can lead to washing machine replacements. If your Adelaide washing machine drum does not fill up with water, this could be a severe problem. 

In some old washing machines, the drum does not spin as it should. As a result, your clothes will come out of the washing machine soaking wet. Depending on the age of your Adelaide washing machine, you might be better off with a new one. 

At Adelaide Appliance Gallery, you will find the best range of high-quality washing machines. We stock washing machines from the world’s best-known brands. Many of our washing machines are on display in our Adelaide showroom. 

They are and are plugged in and ready to be tested by you. Our team of sales experts knows all the washing machines we have inside out. They will help you choose the right washing machine for your Adelaide household needs. 

Get a new washing machine your Adelaide home can rely on. Contact us now!