Kitchen Appliances Adelaide | 5 Tips for Pantry Organisation!

5 Tips for Pantry Organisation!

We all know how messy the pantry tends to get and how hard it can be to organise. You must have tried your best to either group your spices by colour, use or pots by size, but nothing seems to work. One thing you need to know is that you can organise your pantry uniquely – you don’t need to copy someone’s style.


All you need to know to come up with your pantry organisation style are some helpful tips. These 5 helpful tips are guaranteed to help you organise your pantry better!


Label your items


Mixing up two ingredients that look alike is more common than it seems. If you’re always mistaking one ingredient for another or find it hard to find something, start labelling your items. There’s nothing shameful in labelling your items for easier accessibility. 


Try it out, and you’ll be able to group your ingredients, spices and herbs better.


Let go of duplicate ingredients


You never know how many duplicates of one spice you have till you do a deep clean. Clear out your pantry and put all your spices in jars. That way, you’ll always know when you have a particular spice or when it’s finished. With this, you’ll be able to dispose of expired spices and ingredients this way. 


Introduce baskets 


We’re all used to using baskets for laundry, but they’re also very efficient in the pantry. You can put your canned foods, grains, pasta etc., in baskets. With baskets, you’ll know when you’re running out of any spice, canned soups or snacks. 


Get cabinets


There’s no such thing as having too many cabinets in your pantry. You can have extra cabinets installed in your pantry that you can use to create more space. Because you can’t organise your pantry well if you’re struggling with space. 


Use your shelves


Always going into the pantry to use your cooking staples can be a chore. If you have shelves in your kitchen, arrange your cooking necessities in it for easy accessibility. Using your shelves more will also help free up space.


If you’re just moving into a new Adelaide home and your kitchen is empty, we can help you get it together. We have ovens—dishwashers, refrigerators, coffee makers etc. Go to our products section and shop to your heart’s content.